Monday, 1 March 2010


not me and lizzie, yesterday.

had a meeting today with Lizzie Latham from fine art discussing a potential free range collaboration. it was great to talk to someone with similar interests in creating ambiguous or maybe non chronological narratives. She write stories and then will express them though arrangements of objects. I liked the way she uses the objects as the building blocks of her stories, they are broadly analogous a bit like Jungian archetypes, and mean that the stories can be interpreted in any number of ways. The use of these building blocks is something I recognize from my own work as well as an interest in creating circular narratives.

when i talked about big wall paintings, lizzie said she'd like to see a lens set back from the pice which could frame it and add additional information and explain relationships between images. I loved the idea of the contrast between the big ambiguous public piece and the intimate communication of the lens. The idea of a narrative being the selection and arrangement of elements from a wider messy reality is cool too.

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